Sunday, June 6, 2021



World Environment Day 2021

One Plant everyone on this World Environment Day

 🌱As we all know that World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year since 1974. World Environment Day was declared by the United Nations in 1974 to spread awareness about the protection of the environment around us. It is a campaign to raise awareness among the people and take action for environmental protection to have a healthy environment for better future generations.

🌳This year we will celebrate World Environment Day on Saturday, 5th June 2021. The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is "Ecosystem Restoration" and Pakistan is the global host to campaign for the celebration of this day this year.

👮According to the United Nations, "The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the base of enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment."

🌈Friends please do not pollute the water, land, air and surrounding environment. As we know that once lost it takes a lot of time to recover as we have seen during the pandemic COVID-19 during the lack of oxygen and low immunity in common human beings. We lost a lot of lives as a result of this, no more.  Friends, we can't turn back the time but we can grow trees, green up our cities and renew our gardens, change our diets and clean the rivers and coasts. we are the generation that can make peace with the nature and guide our children from their childhood to keep the environment healthy.  The most important thing is we need to create a mindset to promise ourselves only then it can happen. As Mother earth always ready to protect us.

😂After the worst of the second wave of the pandemic COVID-19. It is the responsibility of every person to celebrate this environment day or make it more successful by planting at least one plant/ tree to maintain a healthy environment for all.

For the past few decades, human beings are exploiting and destroying the environment but not now. Now is the time to think again to save our environment and save life.

As per UN official website, United Nation launches global drive to restore nature on World Environment Day 2021 and press release on countries to meet commitments to restore one billion hectares of land. UN decade on Ecosystem Restoration launch Gala virtual programme on 4 June 2021.

🌲🌳🌴We can restore/recover/retreat our ecosystem simply plants more trees/trees, remove deforestation, manage bad waste, reduce commercial pollution in towns and cities and with personal responsibility or duty towards healthy environment for their present and future generation. 

🔑🔑See in below infographic blue line, still there is little percentage of persons who think, talk and aware about environment.

💯 it may be increase by our little effort.

There are some oxygen rich plants or trees which we can grow in our home and surrounding park area and in towns and cities.

💝💝Plants: Snake Plant, Aloe Vera, Basil, Money Plant, Lavender, Ficus, Pothos, Spider, Areca Palm, Gerbera Daisy etc.

👌👌Trees: Banyan, Neem, Peepal, Arjuna, Ashoka, Indian Bell, Curry, Saptparni, Jamun, Bamboo etc.

🙏🙏🙏Finally, we used to build some healthy habit to save the environment and our planet by save water, save trees, save electricity, plant in and pollution out.

Let’s take an action

Save Environment, Save Earth, Save Life

One Plant Everyone”

😎Happy World Environment Day 

Thanks, and Regards


  World Environment Day 2021 One Plant everyone on this World Environment Day  🌱 As we all know that World Environment Day is celebrate...